Front Cover: The cover of each issue of the Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society highlights a building or location that is a significant part of the national heritage of Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. The current issue features a colonial-era bungalow that was located on Jalan Dunn, near George Town in Penang, one of several identical structures that lined both sides of the road. These buildings survived into the 1980s, but most including this house have since been demolished. The house had several features characteristic of dwellings built in the early 20thcentury. Pillars beneath the house raised it four feet off the ground and allowed air to circulate underneath the building, wooden shutters closed the windows, and vents on the roof dispersed heated air. In the absence of plumbing, the bathrooms had external stairs that allowed a servant to enter and clean them after use, and internal doors that were bolted to isolate the bathrooms from the rest of the house. A breezeway linked servant quarters to the main house. The drawing is by Bryn Barnard, whose work also appears in the Penang Portfolio in this issue of JMBRAS.