In this Issue
One of the most vibrant and innovative literary journals in the world, the Kenyon Review maintains an international reach and significance. Founded at Kenyon College in 1939 by poet and critic John Crowe Ransom, KR remains committed to discovering, publishing, and supporting new voices from the broadest and most diverse backgrounds, as well as featuring singularly distinguished authors of this generation.
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Kenyon Reviewviewing issue
Volume 43, Number 2, Mar/Apr 2021Table of Contents
- Currents and Eddies
- pp. 7-9
- Mouthwater
- pp. 10-12
- Nature's Nature
- pp. 15-17
- from Little Epic
- pp. 18-22
- Pigeon Slippers
- p. 29
- Views of Nature, and: The Bog
- pp. 33-35
- The Sketchbook
- pp. 51-53
- Final Poem for the Moon
- pp. 61-62
- from Summer
- pp. 63-68
- Collapsible
- pp. 84-95
- The Peace Walls
- pp. 96-106
- Contributors' Notes
- pp. 107-109