In this Issue
Asian Perspective applies an Asian lens to world and comparative politics. With its vital contemporary focus, it probes the regional, international, and transnational issues that affect Asia today. Asian Perspective is peer-reviewed and publishes quarterly. It is produced with the Institute for Far Eastern Studies at Kyungnam University. Now in its fourth decade, the journal welcomes interdisciplinary research and is committed to promoting a lively exchange of ideas between scholars and policymakers.
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Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 44, Number 4, Fall 2020Editorial Board
Jae Kyu Park
Editor in Chief
Carla P. Freeman
Senior Editor
Melvin Gurtov
Editorial Committee
Managing Editor
Dean J. OuelletteAmita Batra
Jean-Marc F. Blanchard
Jong Kun Choi
Jae-Ho Chung
Rüdiger Frank
Jung Kim
Cheng-Chwee Kuik
Seok-Jin Lew
Kun Young Park
Phillip Park
Yul Sohn
Pichamon Yeophantong
Assistant Editor
Naomi Garcia
Assistants to the Editor
Bridgette Brunk
Spencer Steinbach
Book Review Editor
Walter C. Clemens Jr.
Editorial Advisory Board
Shaun Breslin, University of Warwick
Kent Calder, John Hopkins SAIS
Walter C. Clemens Jr., Boston University
Evelyn Goh, The Australian National University
Peter Hayes, Nautilus Institute
Samuel S. Kim, Columbia University
B. C. Koh, University of Illinois, Chicago
Tae-Hwan Kwak, Eastern Kentucky University
Chae-Jin Lee, Claremont McKenna College
Su-Hoon Lee, Kyungnam University
Okonogi Masao, Keio University
Mark Selden, Cornell University
Sergei Sevastianov, Far Eastern Federal University
David Shambaugh, George Washington University
Shen Dingli, Fudan University
Minsoon Song, University of North Korean Studies
Richard P. Suttmeier, University of Oregon
Peter Van Ness, The Australian National University
Dali Yang, University of Chicago
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