In this Issue
- Volume 27, 2020
- Issue
The Goethe Yearbook, first published in 1982, is the flagship publication of the Goethe Society and is dedicated to North American Goethe scholarship. The Yearbook invites submissions in English or German on Goethe, his works, his contemporaries, or the period 1770-1832 in general. For further information about back issues or manuscript submission, please visit
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North American Goethe Societyviewing issue
Volume 27, 2020Editorial Board
Patricia Anne Simpson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Birgit Tautz, Bowdoin College
Book Review Editor
Sean Franzel, University of Missouri-Columbia
Members of the Editorial and Advisory Board
Barbara Becker-Cantarino, Ohio State University
Benjamin Bennett, University of Virginia
Jane K. Brown, University of Washington
Stefani Engelstein, University of Missouri
Willi Goetschel, University of Toronto
Dorothea von Mücke, Columbia University
Simon Richter, University of Pennsylvania
Heidi Schlipphacke, University of Illinois at Chicago
David E. Wellbery, University of Chicago