In this Issue
Storyworlds is an interdisciplinary journal of narrative theory. Featuring cutting-edge research on storytelling practices across a variety of media, including face-to-face interaction, literary writing, film and television, virtual environments, historiography, journalism, and graphic narratives, the journal foregrounds research questions that cut across established disciplines--and hence promotes new, integrative frameworks for inquiry. How do narrative ways of worldmaking differ from other representational practices used to construct or reconstruct worlds, in a broad sense? What constraints and affordances do particular storytelling media bring to the process of building narrative worlds? What tools are needed to characterize, in all its richness and complexity, the experience of inhabiting a narrative world in a given medium or across different media?
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University of Nebraska Pressviewing issue
Volume 10, Numbers 1-2, Summer-Winter 2018Editorial Board
Andreea Deciu Ritivoi, Carnegie Mellon University
Editorial Board
H. Porter Abbott, University of California, Santa Barbara
Jens Brockmeier, The American University of Paris
Jonathan Culler, Cornell University
Gregory Currie, University of York
Paul John Eakin, Indiana University
Catherine Emmott, University of Glasgow
Mark Freeman, College of the Holy Cross
Peter Galison, Harvard University
Richard J. Gerrig, Stony Brook University
David Herman, Durham University
Calin-Andrei Mihailescu, The University of Western Ontario
Marie-Laure Ryan, University of Colorado, Boulder
Deborah Schiffrin, Georgetown University
Azade Seyhan, Brywn Mawr College
Roy Sommer, University of Wuppertal
Wendy Steiner, University of Pennsylvania