In this Issue
Launched in 1985, the Canadian Journal of Women and the Law/Revue Femmes et Droit is the only Canadian periodical devoted entirely to the publication and dissemination of multi-disciplinary scholarship in the expanding field of women's legal studies. The CJWL is incorporated as a non-profit organization with charitable status. The CJWL's readership includes lawyers, judges, law students, academics, government officials and others interested in women's equality. The CJWL's mandate is to provide an outlet for those wishing to explore the impact of law on women's social, economic and legal status, and on the general conditions of their lives.
The Journal promotes the expansion of women's legal scholarship into new areas of research and study, and it aims to increase the volume and improve the accessibility of legal scholarship by Canadian women, on specifically Canadian topics. Finally, the CJWL seeks to provide an important tool for activists, academics and others engaged in research and law reform efforts on behalf of women.
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University of Toronto Pressviewing issue
Volume 32, Number 1, 2020Editorial Board
Natasha Bakht
Emmanuelle Bernheim
Assistant Editor/Assistante à la rédaction
Stacy Belden
Founding Editors/Rédactrices fondatrices
Édith Deleury
Kathleen Lahey
Race Editor/ Rédactrice en matière de race
Rakhi Ruparelia
English Case Comments Editor/Rédactrice des chroniques de jurisprudence anglophones
Sonia Lawrence
Book Review Editor/ Rédactrice des recensions d'ouvrages
Vrinda Narain
Book Review Collective/Recensions collectives delivre
Sarah Buhler
Rosemary Cairns Way
Angela Cameron
Sonia Lawrence
Mary Jane Mossman
Janis Sarra
Josephine Savarese
Luncinda Vandervort
Margot Young
Editorial Board/Comité éditorial
Jane Bailey
Adelle Blackett
Kim Brooks
Karen Busby
Nathalie Chalifour
Isabelle Duplessis
Isabel Grant
Lise Gotell
Naïma Hamrouni
Radha Jhappan
Rebecca Johnson
Louise Langevin
Janet Mosher
Denise Réaume
Jennifer Schulz
Régine Tremblay
Margot Young
Geneviève Proulx
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