In this Issue
- Volume 66, Number 1, Spring 2020
- Issue
- Literature and Extraction
MFS publishes scholarly essays that analyze the important aesthetic, cultural, political, and environmental developments currently shaping today’s academic and public conversations. A leading international literature and humanities journal, MFS focuses on the various modalities and uses of fiction in the broadest sense of the term—publishing material designed to speak to a wide audience of scholars, public intellectuals, and cultural practitioners working across diverse fields, regions, and venues. Now in its sixty-eighth year, MFS is published by Johns Hopkins University Press and is available online at Project MUSE.
published by
Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 66, Number 1, Spring 2020Editorial Board
John N. Duvall
Associate Editor
Robert P. Marzec
Editorial Assistants
Daniel Froid
Alejandra Ortega
Vanessa Iacocca
Undergraduate Intern
Helen Coats
Purdue Advisory Board
Marlo Denice David
Wendy Flory
Sandor Goodhart
Shaun F. D. Hughes
Robert Paul Lamb
Maren Linett
Alfred J. López
Jennifer Freeman Marshall
Daniel Morris
Bill V. Mullen
Venetria K. Patton
Nancy J. Peterson
Arkady Plotnitsky
Charles Ross
Aparajita Sagar
Patrocinio Schweickart
Editorial Advisory Board
Paul B. ArmstrongBrown University
Herman BeaversUniversity of Pennsylvania
Lauren BerlantUniversity of Chicago
Michael BérubéPennsylvania State University
Stephen J. BurnUniversity of Glasgow
Marianne DeKovenRutgers University
Marc DolanCity University of New York
Laura DoyleUniversity of Massachusetts
Jonathan EburnePennsylvania State University
Anne FernaldFordham University
Ellen G. FriedmanCollege of New Jersey
Donald GoellnichtMcMaster University
Scott HerringIndiana University
Peter KallineyUniversity of Kentucky
Randall KnoperUniversity of Massachusetts
Martin KreiswirthMcGill University
John T. MatthewsBoston University
Deborah E. McDowellUniversity of Virginia
Patrick McGeeLouisiana State University
Mark McGurlStanford University
David McWhirterTexas A & M University
Timothy MelleyMiami University
Richard C. MorelandLouisiana State University
Alan NadelUniversity of Kentucky
Patrick O’DonnellMichigan State University
Stacey OlsterSUNY, Stony Brook
Robert Dale ParkerUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Adam ParkesUniversity of Georgia
Rajagopalan RadhakrishnanUniversity of California, Irvine
Catherine RainwaterSt. Edward’s University
John Paul RiquelmeBoston University
Judith RoofRice University
Michael RubensteinSUNY Stony Brook
Ramón SaldívarStanford University
Urmila SeshagiriUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
Siobhan SomervilleUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Hortense J. SpillersVanderbilt University
Susan StrehleSUNY, Binghamton
John J. SuMarquette University
Jay WatsonUniversity of Mississippi
Phillip WegnerUniversity of Florida
Steven WeisenburgerSouthern Methodist University