In this Issue
Founded in 1962 to further the aesthetic study of the poetry of the Victorian period in Britain, Victorian Poetry today publishes articles from a broad range of conceptual angles and methodological approaches. The journal continues to expand its purview to a wider compass of poets and archives. We welcome work that capaciously (re)interprets the field's originary contexts, keywords, and scope. We are also keen to publish scholarship that reconsiders Victorian poetry (broadly construed) in new, innovative, cross-disciplinary, theoretical, and / or experimental light.
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West Virginia University Pressviewing issue
Volume 57, Number 3, Fall 2019Editorial Board
John B. Lamb
Managing Editor
Sara Georgi
Editorial Assistant
April McGinnis
Founding Editor, 1962-1990
John F. Stasny
Advisory Board
Kirstie Blair, University of Stirling
Florence S. Boos, University of Iowa
Alison Chapman, University of Victoria
Benjamin F. Fisher, University of Mississippi
Mary Ellis Gibson, Colby College
Erik Gray, Columbia University
Antony H. Harrison, North Carolina State University
Linda K. Hughes, Texas Christian University
James R. Kincaid, University of Southern California
David E. Latane, Jr., Virginia Commonwealth University
Britta Martens, University of the West of England
John Maynard, New York University
Jude V. Nixon, Salem State University
Lee O’Brien, Macquarie University
David G. Riede, Ohio State University
Jason Rudy, University of Maryland
W. David Shaw, University of Toronto
Marjorie Stone, Dalhousie University
Marion Thain, King's College
Herbert F. Tucker, University of Virginia