In this Issue
Devoted to critical discussion of the life and times of the American poet at the center of postwar poetry, the William Carlos Williams Review invites articles exploring all aspects of literature and life in light of the influence and times of William Carlos Williams.
published by
Penn State University Pressviewing issue
Volume 36, Number 2, 2019Editorial Board
Ian Copestake, Independent scholar
Honorary Board
Daphne Williams Fox
Editorial Bord
Barry Ahearn, Tulane University
Steven Axelrod, University of California, Riverside
Brian Bremen, University of Texas at Austin
Terence Diggory, Skidmore College
Kerry Driscoll, University of St. Joseph
Ann Fisher-Wirth, University of Mississippi
Cristina Giorcelli, University of Rome
Theodora Rapp Graham, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg
John Lowney, St. John’s University
Christopher MacGowan, College of William and Mary
Glen MacLeod, University of Connecticut, Waterbury
Paul Mariani, Boston College
Alec Marsh, Muhlenberg College
Dan Morris, Purdue University
Peter Schmidt, Swarthmore College
Lisa Steinman, Reed College
Erin E. Templeton, Converse College
Eric White, Oxford Brookes University