In this Issue
Modernism/modernity focuses on the methodological, archival, and theoretical approaches particular to modernist studies. It encourages an interdisciplinary approach linking music, architecture, the visual arts, literature, and social and intellectual history. The journal's broad scope fosters dialogue about the history of modernism and its relations to modernization. Each issue features a selection of essays as well as book reviews. Additional articles and other peer-reviewed formats appear on the journal's Print Plus platform ( Modernism/modernity is the official journal of the Modernist Studies Association (MSA). Winner of six awards from CELJ.
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Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 26, Number 1, January 2019Editorial Board
Debra Rae Cohen, University of South Carolina
Christopher Bush, Northwestern University
Sunshine J. Dempsey, University of South Carolina
Emily Christina Murphy, University of British Columbia-Okanagan (Print Plus)
Harrington Weihl, Northwestern University
Jessy Bell, Northwestern University
John T. Crawford
Kristin Harrell
Adam Hartmann
Jenna Marco
Richard Abel, University of Michigan
Derek Attridge, University of York
Ron Bush, University of Oxford
T. J. Clark, University of California, Berkeley
Kurt W. Forster, Yale University
Marjorie Perloff, Stanford University
Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Harvard University
Richard Taruskin, University of California, Berkeley
Robert von Hallberg, University of Chicago
Jessica Burstein, University of Washington
Clare Cavanaugh, Northwestern University
Beatriz Colomina, Princeton University
Bonnie Costello, Boston University
João Cezar de Castro Rocha, Universidade de Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Edward Dimendberg, University of California, Irvine
Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Temple University
Ziad Elmarsafy, University of York
Rita Felski, University of Virginia
Susan Stanford Friedman, University of Wisconsin
Esther Gabara, Duke University
Ruben Gallo, Princeton University
Romy Golan, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Maria Gough, Harvard University
Amy Hungerford, Yale University
Juliet Koss, Scripps College
Pericles Lewis, Yale University
Douglas Mao, Johns Hopkins University
Jesse Matz, Kenyon College
Jordana Mendelson, New York University
Michael North, UCLA
Liesl Olson, University of Chicago
Todd Presner, UCLA
Jean-Michel Rabaté, University of Pennsylvania
Jahan Ramazani, University of Virginia
Jennifer L. Roberts, Harvard University
Roger Rothman, Bucknell University
Robin Schulze, University of Delaware
Barbara Spackman, University of California, Berkeley
William Mills Todd III, Harvard University
Tyrus Miller, University of California, Santa Cruz
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