In this Issue
Eighteenth-Century Studies is committed to publishing the best of current writing on all aspects of eighteenth-century culture. The journal publishes different modes of analysis and disciplinary discourses that explore how recent historiographical, critical, and theoretical ideas have engaged scholars concerned with the eighteenth century. Eighteenth-Century Studies is the official publication of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS).
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Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 52, Number 2, Winter 2019Editorial Board
Sean Moore, University of New Hampshire
Matthew Wyman-McCarthy, University of New Hampshire
Cheryl Nixon, University of Massachusetts Boston
Joanna Stalnaker, Columbia University
Rachel Weil, Cornell University
Helen Deutsch, University of California, Los Angeles
Suvir Kaul, University of Pennsylvania
Patrick Griffin, University of Notre Dame
Lisa Berglund, Buffalo State College (ex officio)
Hans Adler, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Emily Anderson, University of Southern California
Nebahat Avicioglu, Hunter College
Paola Bertucci, Yale University
Trevor Burnard, University of Melbourne
David Gies, University of Virginia
Patrick Griffin, University of Notre Dame
James Harris, University of St. Andrews
Philip Hoffman, California Institute of Technology
Alan Houston, University of California, San Diego
Krishan Kumar, University of Virginia
Charles-Edouard Levillain, Paris Diderot University
Ramesh Mallipeddi, University of Colorado Boulder
Carla Mulford, Pennsylvania State University
Richard Newman, Library Company of Philadelphia
Karen O'Brien, King's College London
Geoffrey Quilley, University of Sussex
Gabby Starr, Pomona College
James Swenson, Rutgers University
Helen Thompson, Northwestern University
Michael Yonan, University of Missouri
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