+ MUSE Alert

In this Issue

Editorial Board

Editorial Staff


Loren Baybrook, Lawrence University

Film Reviews Editor

Cynthia Miller, Emerson College

Book Reviews Editor

Paul Cohen, Lawrence University

Advisory Board

David Bordwell, University of Wisconsin Madison

Thomas Cripps, Morgan State University

Natalie Davis, University of Toronto

Thomas Doherty, Brandeis University

Gary Edgerton, Butler University

Raymond Fielding, Florida State University

Sam Grogg, Adelphi University

Andrew Horton, University of Oklahoma

Garth Jowett, University of Houston

John Lawrence, Morningside College

Charles Maland, University of Tennessee

Frank Manchel, University of Vermont

Steve Mintz, University of Texas at Austin

Laura Mulvey, Birkbeck College, University of London

John O'Connor, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Robert Rosenstone, California Institute of Technology

Lynn Spigel, Northwestern University

Robert Toplin, University of North Carolina-Wilmington

Alan Trachtenberg, Yale University