In this Issue
Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific is the leading peer-reviewed archaeological journal devoted to the prehistory of Asia and the Pacific region. In addition to archaeology, it features articles and book reviews on ethnoarchaeology, palaeoanthropology, physical anthropology,and ethnography of interest and use to the prehistorian. International specialists contribute regional reports summarizing current research and fieldwork, and present topical reports of significant sites. Occasional special issues focus on single topics.
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University of Hawai'i Pressviewing issue
Volume 57, Number 2, 2018Editorial Board
Mike T. Carson, University of Guam
Rowan K. Flad, Harvard University
Editor 2007-2015
Laura Lee Junker
Editors 2007-2009
Deborah Bekken
Anne Underhill
Editor 2000-2006
Miriam T. Stark
Editor 1992-2000
Michael W. Graves
Founding Editor
Wilhelm G. Solheim II
Editorial Board
Francis Allard, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Gina L. Barnes, University of London
Deborah Bekken, Field Museum of Natural History
Peter Bellwood, Australian National University
Fang Hui, Shandong University
Jean-Christophe Galipaud, French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development
Ian Glover, University College London
P. Bion Griffin, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Junko Habu, University of California, Berkeley
Laura Lee Junker, University of Illinois at Chicago
Kathleen D. Morrison, University of Pennsylvania
Rasmi Shoocongdej, Silpakorn University
Carla M. Sinopoli, University of Michigan
Miriam T. Stark, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Glenn R. Summerhayes, University of Otago
Anne Underhill, Yale University
J. Peter White, University of Sydney
Joyce C. White, University of Pennsylvania