In this Issue
- Volume 55, Number 2, 2018
- Issue
- Special Issue: Global Crises and Twenty-First-Century World Literature
- Guest Editors: Hansong Dan and Ewa Wojno-Owczarska
Founded in 1963, Comparative Literature Studies publishes critical comparative essays on literature, cultural production, the relationship between aesthetics and political thought, and histories and philosophies of form across the world. Articles may also address the transregional and transhistorical circulation of genres and movements across different languages, time periods, and media. CLS welcomes a wide range of approaches to comparative literature, including those that draw on philosophy, history, area studies, Indigenous, race, and ethnic studies, gender and sexuality studies, media studies, and emerging critical projects and methods in the humanities. Each issue of CLS also includes book reviews of significant monographs and collections of scholarship in comparative literature. For more information, please visit also the journal's website at
published by
Penn State University Pressviewing issue
Volume 55, Number 2, 2018Editorial Board
Guest Editors
Hansong Dan
Ewa Wojno-Owczarska
Founding Editors
Alfred Owen Aldridge
Melvin J. Friedman
Editors Emeriti
Stanley Weintraub
Robert R. Edwards
Thomas O. Beebee
Associate Editors
Jonathan E. Abel
Michael Bérubé
Jonathan P. Eburne
Caroline D. Eckhardt
Nergis Ertürk
Charlotte Eubanks
Eric Hayot
Rosemary J. Jolly
Djelal Kadir
Sophia A. McClennen
Michael M. Naydan
John Ochoa
Shuang Shen
Reiko Tachibana
Adrian J. Wanner
Editorial Board
President, International Comparative Literature Association
Zhang Longxi(City University of Hong Kong)
Masayuki Akiyama
Nihon UniversityEduardo Coutinho
Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroYuë Daiyun
University of PekingIrène d'Almeida
University of ArizonaDavid Damrosch
Harvard UniversityCaryl Emerson
Princeton UniversityEugene Eoyang
Indiana University / Lingnan UniversityMargaret W. Ferguson
University of California–DavisSimon Gikandi
Princeton UniversityN. Katherine Hayles
University of California–Los AngelesLinda Hutcheon
University of TorontoPeggy Kamuf
University of Southern CaliforniaKoji Kawamoto
Tokyo UniversityMary Layoun
University of WisconsinKang Lui
Duke University / Shanghai Jiaotong UniversityPaul Michael Lutzeler
Washington UniversityGiuseppe Mazzotta
Yale UniversityStephen G. Nichols
The Johns Hopkins UniversityAzade Seyhan
Bryn Mawr CollegeGerhard F. Strasser
The Pennsylvania State UniversityJanet Walker
Rutgers UniversityPauline Yu
University of California–Los AngelesLois Parkinson Zamora
University of HoustonJan Ziolkowski
Harvard University
Editorial Assistant
Victoria Lupascu