In this Issue
Since 1948, World Politics has published analytical and theoretical articles, review articles, and research notes in international relations, comparative politics, political theory, foreign policy, and modernization. It does not publish strictly historical material, articles on current affairs, policy pieces, or narratives of a journalistic nature. Political scientists and students of international relations turn to World Politics to stay on top of the latest theoretical developments in the field.
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Cambridge University Pressviewing issue
Volume 70, Number 2, April 2018Editorial Board
Editorial Board
Deborah J. Yashar
Nancy Bermeo
Kristian Skrede Gleditch
Anna Grzymała-Busse
Torben Iversen
Stathis Kalyvas
Gary King
David Leblang
Evan S. Lieberman
Ellen Lust
Lisa Martin
Elizabeth J. Perry
Kenneth R. Roberts
Michael L. Ross
Kathleen Thelen
Nicolas van de Walle
Barbara F. Walter
Andreas Wimmer
Elisabeth Jean Wood
Daniel Ziblatt
Editorial Committee
Deborah J. Yashar
Thomas J. Christensen
Rafaela Dancygier
G. John Ikenberry
Amaney A. Jamal
Harold James
Atul Kohli
Stephen Kotkin
Grigore Pop-Eleches
Kristopher W. Ramsay
Associate Editors
Faisal Z. Ahmed
Alisha Holland
Jacob N. Shapiro
Rory Truex
Keren Yarhi-Milo
Executive Editor
Joy M. Scharfstein
Editorial Assistants
Joan Hsiao
Killian Clarke