In this Issue
Cited in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, Journal of Democracy is an influential international forum for scholarly analysis and competing democratic viewpoints. Its articles have been widely reprinted in many languages. Focusing exclusively on democracy, the Journal monitors and analyzes democratic regimes and movements around the world. Each issue features a unique blend of scholarly analysis, reports from democratic activists, updates on news and elections, and reviews of important recent books.
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Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 29, Number 1, January 2018Editorial Board
Marc F. Plattner
Larry Diamond
Editorial Board
Steven R. Levitsky
Lucan A. Way
Anne Applebaum
Sheri Berman
Nancy Bermeo
Ladan Boroumand
Michael Bratton
Daniel Brumberg
Thomas Carothers
Yun-han Chu
Michele Dunne
Donald K. Emmerson
João Carlos Espada
Charles H. Fairbanks, Jr.
Abdou Filali-Ansary
Francis Fukuyama
Sumit Ganguly
Bruce Gilley
E. Gyimah-Boadi
Donald L. Horowitz
Richard Joseph
Robert Kagan
Terry Lynn Karl
Ivan Krastev
Peter Lewis
Tarek Masoud
Cynthia McClintock
Michael McFaul
Pratap Bhanu Mehta
Leonardo Morlino
Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
Andrew J. Nathan
Ghia Nodia
Minxin Pei
Benjamin Reilly
Olivier Roy
Andreas Schedler
Lilia Shevtsova
Dan Slater
Alfred Stepan (1936-2017)
Vladimir Tismaneanu
Laurence Whitehead
Executive Editor
Philip J. Costopoulos
Managing Editor
Brent Kallmer
Associate Editor
Elizabeth Kerley
Assistant Editor
Rachel Bercovitz
Vice President for Studies and Analysis, NED
Christopher Walker
International Advisory Committee
Shaul Bakhash
Hernando de Soto
Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Byung-Kook Kim
Martin C.M. Lee
Arend Lijphart
Adam Michnik
Ergun Özbudun
Condoleezza Rice
Julio María Sanguinetti
Philippe C. Schmitter
Natan Sharansky
Lourdes Sola
Hung-mao Tien
Editorial Office
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Tel.: 202-378-9900
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