In this Issue
The Journal of Sports Media is a response to the undeniable influence of sports media on contemporary culture and the growing interest in the field as an area of study and research. It provides a broad-based exploration of the field and promotes a greater understanding of sports media in terms of their practices, value, and effect on the culture as a whole. The journal features scholarly articles, essays, book reviews, and reports on major conferences and seminars. While the majority of the articles are academic in nature, it also includes articles from industry leaders and sports media figures on topics appealing to a non-academic audience.
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University of Nebraska Pressviewing issue
Volume 12, Number 2, Fall 2017Editorial Board
Founding Editor
Brad Schultz, University of Mississippi
Mary Lou Sheffer, University of Southern Mississippi
Editorial Board
Andy Billings, University of Alabama
John Fortunato, Fordham University
John Carvalho, Auburn University
Stephen McDaniel, University of Maryland
Lawrence Wenner, Loyola-Marymount University
Michael Butterworth, Bowling Green State University
Jeffrey Kassing, Arizona State University
Margaret Marie Beck, Kent State University
Bryan Denham, Clemson University
John Spinda, Clemson University
Ted Kian, Oklahoma State University
Cover Designer
Nathan Putens
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