In this Issue
Theory & Event is a journal of political theory with an international editorial board, authors, and readership. It welcomes theoretical interventions, interpretations, and engagements with political events, institutions, cultures, and issues as they unfold. It provides a forum attractive to intellectuals who work at the intersections of political theory, cultural theory, political economy, aesthetics, philosophy, and the arts. The journal features innovative, peer-reviewed political theorizing in the humanities and the social sciences, publishing academic essays as well as other forms of writing and representation — including polemics, photography, and moving images and sounds — that engage diverse political events and phenomena throughout the world. These may include such political formations as climate, sovereignty, territory, government, nation, race, family, gender, individual, capital, and the state; old, new, and emerging forms of subjectivity as they may be expressed in elections, popular uprisings, affective flows and assemblages; old, new, and combined media formations; as well as investigations into the objects and conditions of politics, ethics, and critique. The journal encourages contributions that are both rigorous and lively, and that are attentive to scholarship without sacrificing creativity or timeliness.
published by
Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 20, Number 4, October 2017Editorial Board
Kennan Ferguson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
James Martel, San Francisco State University
Review Editor
Kam Shapiro, Illinois State University
Coordinating Editors
Elisabeth Anker, George Washington University
Cristina Beltrán, New York University
Lauren Berlant, University of Chicago
Jodi Dean, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Kathy Ferguson, University of Hawai’i
Jason Frank, Cornell University
Steven Johnston, University of Utah
Chad Lavin, Virginia Polytechnic
Saba Mahmood, University of California, Berkeley
Robyn Marasco, CUNY, New York
Lori J. Marso, Union College, Schenectady
Aletta J. Norval, University of Essex
Davide Panagia, UC, Los Angeles
John Protevi, Louisiana State University
Kam Shapiro, Illinois State University
Michael J. Shapiro, University of Hawai’i
Lars Tønder, University of Copenhagen
Miguel Vatter, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Elizabeth Wingrove, University of Michigan
Advising Editors
Jane Bennett, Johns Hopkins University
Wendy Brown, UC, Berkeley
William Chaloupka, Colorado State University
William Connolly, Johns Hopkins University
Diana Coole, University of London, Birkbeck
Simon Critchley, New School University
Michael Dillon, Lancaster University
Lisa Disch, University of Michigan
Thomas Dumm, Amherst College
David Kyuman Kim, Connecticut College
Anne Norton, University of Pennsylvania
Paul Patton, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Managing Editor
Jo Anne Colson, Trent University