In this Issue
QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking ventures to bring together scholars, activists, artists, and other cultural producers to explore issues that matter to the diverse lived experience, struggle, and transformation of GLBTQ peoples wherever they may be.
With an emphasis on worldmaking praxis, QED mobilizes public argument, theory, criticism, and history through its published essays, commentaries, interviews, roundtable discussions, and event, performance, and book reviews.
published by
Michigan State University Pressviewing issue
Volume 4, Number 2, Summer 2017Table of Contents
- Queer Resistance
- pp. 51-55
- a provocation towards moving
- pp. 71-75
- Training for Exhaustion (2015)
- pp. 76-78
- Notes on Trans Relationality
- pp. 84-92
- A Queer Indigenous Manifesto
- pp. 93-99
- Unlearning the Violence of the Normative
- pp. 123-130
- “Not Nothing”
- pp. 177-179