In this Issue
- Volume 10, Issue 2, Summer 2017
- Issue
- Special Issue: Stephen King’s Science Fiction
- Guest edited by Simon Brown and Regina Hansen
Science Fiction Film and Television is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal published by Liverpool University Press. Edited by Mark Bould (UWE) and Sherryl Vint (Brock University), with an international board of advisory editors, it encourages dialogue among the scholarly and intellectual communities of film studies, sf studies and television studies.
published by
Liverpool University Pressviewing issue
Volume 10, Issue 2, Summer 2017Editorial Board
Mark Bould, University of the West of England
Sherryl Vint, University of California, Riverside
Gerry Canavan, Marquette University
Dan Hassler-Forest, Utrecht University
Editorial advisory board
Stacey Abbott, Roehampton University
Jonathan Bignell, University of Reading
Catherine Constable, University of Warwick
Neil Easterbrook, Texas Christian University
Susan A. George, University of California, Berkeley
Barry Grant, Brock University
Elyce Rae Helford, Middle Tennessee State University
Matt Hills, Aberystwyth University
Brooks Landon, University of Iowa
Rob Latham, University of California, Riverside
Roger Luckhurst, Birkbeck College
Susan Napier, Tufts University
Sharalyn Orbaugh, University of British Columbia
Wendy Gay Pearson, University of Western Ontario
David Seed, University of Liverpool
Patrick B. Sharp, California State University, Los Angeles
Sharon Sharp, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Steve Shaviro, Wayne State University
Vivian Sobchack, University of California, Los Angeles
J. P. Telotte, Georgia Institute of Technology