In this Issue
- Volume 15, Numéro 1, été 2016
- Issue
- Traduire le Maghreb, Dossier coordonné par Olivia C. Harrison et Teresa Villa-Ignacio
Expressions maghrébines is a peer-reviewed journal publishing new, cutting edge research in French and English on literature and other cultural forms rooted in the Maghreb and its diasporas. The journal publishes guest-edited special issues on relevant topics and maintains a Varia section for articles submitted to the editorial board. It is published twice a year.
viewing issue
Volume 15, Numéro 1, été 2016Table of Contents
- Translating Translating Tengour
- pp. 115-131
- DOI:
- Entretien avec Azeddine Guerfi
- pp. 259-271
- DOI:
- Notices bio-bibliographiques
- pp. 285-292
- DOI:
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Coordination Internationale des Chercheurs sur les Littératures Maghrébines (CICLIM)