In this Issue
- Volume 167, Summer 2016
- Issue
- Funding
- Edited by Nicholas Hanson
Canadian Theatre Review is the major magazine of record for Canadian theatre. It is committed to excellence in the critical analysis and innovative coverage of current developments in Canadian theatre, to advocating new issues and artists, and to publishing at least one significant new playscript per issue. The editorial board is committed to CTR's practice of theme issues that present multi-faceted and in-depth examinations of the emerging issues of the day and to expanding the practice of criticism in Canadian theatre and to the development of new voices.
published by
University of Toronto Pressviewing issue
Volume 167, Summer 2016Table of Contents
- The Numbers Game
- pp. 31-33
- A Magic Wand
- pp. 50-53
- The Money Tree
- pp. 60-73
- Performing the Global City
- pp. 82-84