In this Issue
CR: The New Centennial Review is devoted to comparative studies of the Americas that suggest possibilities for a different future. Centennial Review is published three times a year under the editorship of Scott Michaelsen (Department of English, Michigan State University) and David E. Johnson (Department of Comparative Literature, SUNY at Buffalo).
The journal recognizes that the language of the Americas is translation, and that questions of translation, dialogue, and border crossings (linguistic, cultural, national, and the like) are necessary for rethinking the foundations and limits of the Americas. Journal articles address philosophically inflected interventions, provocations, and insurgencies that question the existing configuration of the Americas, as well as global and theoretical work with implications for the hemisphere.
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Michigan State University Pressviewing issue
Volume 15, Number 3, Winter 2015Table of Contents
- Editors’ Note
- pp. v-vi
Special Section - Literature and the Limit
- The Abortion of Literature
- pp. 1-16
- Can We Imagine Timeless Experience?
- pp. 91-99
- Duras’s Césarée and the Subject of Love
- pp. 167-199
- Contributors
- pp. 225-227
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