In this Issue
Jewish Film & New Media provides an outlet for research into any aspect of Jewish film, television, and new media and is unique in its interdisciplinary nature, exploring the rich and diverse cultural heritage across the globe. The journal is distinctive in bringing together a range of cinemas, televisions, films, programs, and other digital material in one volume and in its positioning of the discussions within a range of contexts—the cultural, historical, textual, and many others.
published by
Wayne State University Pressviewing issue
Volume 3, Number 2, Fall 2015Editorial Board
Nathan Abrams and Nir Cohen
Reviews Editor
Rachel Garfield
Editorial Board
Michele Aaron
University of BirminghamLawrence Baron
San Diego State University (emeritus)Nitzan Ben-Shaul
Tel Aviv UniversityMichael Berkowitz
University College LondonDavid Brenner
University of HoustonVincent Brook
Independent ScholarMichele Byers
St. Mary’s UniversityTamara L. Falicov
University of KansasYael Friedman
University of PortsmouthRachel Garfield
University of KentNurith Gertz
Open University and Tel Aviv UniversityOlga Gershenson
University of MassachusettsGali Gold
London, UKElyce Rae Helford
Middle Tennessee State UniversityMikel Koven
University of WorcesterGiacomo Lichtner
Victoria University of WellingtonVirginia A. Picchietti
University of ScrantonCatherine Portuges
University of MassachusettsRaanan Rein
Tel Aviv UniversityJon Stratton
Curtin University of TechnologyDaniel Wildmann
Leo Baeck Institute London
Queen Mary, University of LondonRaz Yosef
Tel Aviv University