In this Issue
The Moving Image is an exciting new journal that deals with crucial issues surrounding the preservation and restoration of film, television, video, and digital moving images. The journal offers detailed profiles of moving image collections, behind-the-scenes looks at the techniques used to preserve and restore moving images, and theoretical and visionary articles on the future of the field.
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University of Minnesota Pressviewing issue
Volume 15, Number 1, Spring 2015Editorial Board
Donald Crafton University of Notre Dame
Susan Ohmer University of Notre Dame
Managing Editor
Liza Palmer
Book Reviews Editor
Caitlin McGrath
Film Reviews Editor
Michael Baskett University of Kansas
Guest Editor
Joshua Yumibe
Editorial Assistant
Alexander Larsen
Editorial Board
Snowden Becker University of California, Los Angeles/Center for Home Movies
Matthew Bernstein Emory University
Giorgio Bertellini University of Michigan
William Boddy Baruch College, City University of New York
Ed Carter Academy Film Archive
Paolo Cherchi Usai George Eastman House
Grover Crisp Sony Pictures
Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa University of Texas, Austin
Nico de Klerk Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte und Gesellschaft
Luciana Duranti University of British Columbia
Karen Gracy Kent State University
Haden Guest Harvard University
Tom Gunning University of Chicago
Michele Hilmes University of Wisconsin, Madison
Jan-Christopher Horak University of California, Los Angeles
Priya Jaikumar University of Southern California
Martin Koerber Deutsche Kinemathek
Andrea Leigh Library of Congress
James Lindner Media Matters
Scott MacQueen University of California, Los Angeles/Film & Television Archive
Mike Mashon Library of Congress
Annette Melville National Film Preservation Foundation
Anne Morra Museum of Modern Art
Charles Musser Yale University
Margaret Parsons National Gallery of Art
David Pierce Media History Digital Library
Rick Prelinger Internet Archive
David Robinson Giornate del Cinema Muto
Ralph Sargent Film Technology
Eric Schaefer Emerson College
Shelley Stamp University of California, Santa Cruz
Jacqueline Stewart University of Chicago
Sarah Street University of Bristol
Dan Streible New York University
Vanessa Toulmin University of Sheffield/National Fairground Archive
Gregory Waller Indiana University
Heidi Wasson Concordia University
Pamela Wintle Smithsonian Institution
Patricia Zimmermann Ithaca College
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