In this Issue
Black Camera is devoted to the study and documentation of the black cinematic experience and is the only scholarly film journal of its kind in the United States. It regularly features essays and interviews that engage film in social as well as political distribution, and production of film in local, regional, national, and transnational settings and environments.
published by
Indiana University Pressviewing issue
Volume 6, Number 2, Spring 2015 (New Series)Table of Contents
- Django Unchained
- p. 6
- Homegoings by Christine Turner (review)
- pp. 234-235
- The New Black by Yoruba Richen (review)
- pp. 236-238
- News from the Black Film Center/Archive
- pp. 264-266
- Call for Submissions
- pp. 274-275
- Editor’s Notes
- pp. 1-3
- Introduction
- pp. 163-167
- DOI:
- Notes on Contributors
- pp. 269-273