In this Issue
Helios is a forum for the scholarly synthesis of close readings of philological text with contemporary critical approaches. Articles analyzing Greek and Roman literature and cultural history employ feminist theory, poststructuralism and deconstruction, psychoanalysis, reader-response theory, and current theoretical models.
published by
Texas Tech University Pressviewing issue
Volume 39, Number 1, Spring 2012Editorial Board
Steven M. Oberhelman
Editorial Committee
Helene Foley
BarnardS. C. Humphreys
MichiganSheila Murnaghan
PennsylvaniaBrent Shaw
PrincetonMary-Kay Gamel B
California, Santa CruzW. R. Johnson
ChicagoMartha Nussbaum
ChicagoMarilyn Skinner
ArizonaBarbara K. Gold
HamiltonRichard P. Martin
StanfordC. Robert Phillips III
LehighVictoria Wohl