In this Issue
- Volume 37, 2013
- Issue
- Urban Cultural Landscapes of Colonial Korea, 1920s–1930s
- Guest Editor: Yung-Hee Kim
A leading academic journal in the field, Korean Studies publishes—generally in the spirit of the humanities and social sciences—research articles, review articles, commentaries, and book reviews on Korea-related topics, to better question and understand our world. Founded at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s Center for Korean Studies in 1977, the journal is published by the University of Hawai‘i Press in two forms, as annual volumes and as continuously released online articles with DOIs.
Sponsor: Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawai‘i
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University of Hawai'i Pressviewing issue
Volume 37, 2013Editorial Board
Min-Sun Kim
Editorial Advisory Board
Nancy Abelmann, anthropology, University of Illinois
Eckart Dege, geography, University of Kiel
Stephen J. Epstein, literature, Victoria University of Wellington
Kwŏn Youngmin, literature, Seoul National University
Keun Lee, economics, Seoul National University
Timothy C. Lim, political science, California State University, Los Angeles
Sarah Nelson, archaeology, University of Denver
Robert C. Provine, music, University of Maryland
S. Robert Ramsey, linguistics, University of Maryland