In this Issue
Journal of Colonialism & Colonial History (JCCH) is an important resource to scholars of all aspects of colonialism, from pre-colonial societal studies to current post-colonial theory. It covers the broad range of issues that relate to imperialism and colonialism from the tenth century through modern times including the social effects on the population, the political structures under imperial rule, the transition to independence, and the lasting impact of living under colonial rule.
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Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 15, Number 2, Summer 2014Editorial Board
Clare Anderson, University of Leicester
Book Review Editor
Adele Perry, University of Manitoba
Assistant to the Editor
Emma Battell Lowman
Bruce Tindall
Undergraduate Intern
Ruth Knight (Spring 2013)
Steven Ragdale (2013-2014)
Founding Editor
Patricia W. Romero, Towson University
Editorial Board
Seema Alavi, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi
Tony Ballantyne, University of Otago, New Zealand
Antoinette Burton, University of Illinois
Julia Clancy-Smith, University of Arizona
Margot Finn, UCL
Franklin Knight, Johns Hopkins University
Philip Morgan, Johns Hopkins University
Paul Nugent, University of Edinburgh
Steven Phillips, Towson University
Cassandra Pybus, University of Sydney
Ben Vinson III, Johns Hopkins University
Lynn Zastoupil, Rhodes College
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