In this Issue
- Volume 46, Number 2, 2014
- Issue
- Special Issue: Ethnic Identity Formation and Migrant Mobilities in Canada
Numéro Spécial: Identité ethnique et mobilités migrantes au Canada
Founded in 1969, our fully refereed, interdisciplinary journal is devoted to the study of ethnicity, immigration, inter-group relations, and the history and cultural life of ethnic groups in Canada. Issues also include book and film reviews, opinions, immigrant memoirs, translations of primary sources, books received, an index, and an annual bibliography. The journal is published three times a year and is the official publication of the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association.
published by
Canadian Ethnic Studies Associationviewing issue
Volume 46, Number 2, 2014Editorial Board
Lloyd Wong,
Shibao Guo,
Editors Emeriti/Directeurs honoraires
Lori Wilkinson 2012,
Natalia Aponiuk 2006-2012,
James S. Frideres 2003-2006,
Anthony Rasporich and James Frideres 1979-2003,
Howard Palmer 1976-1979,
Alexander Malycky and Howard Palmer 1973-1975,
Alexander Malycky 1969-1972,
Review Editors/Directeurs de recensions
Literature and the Humanities
Social Sciences
Evangelia Tastsoglou
Le Canada francophone
Nicole Gallant
Editorial Board/Comité de rédaction
Yasmeen Abu-Laban,
Denise Helly,
Micheline Labelle,
John Lehr,
Lori Wilkinson,
Nelson Wiseman,
Assistant to the Editor/Adjointe à la rédaction
Claire Hutchinson
Copy Editor (French)/Translator/Secrétaire de rédaction/traductrice
Awah Mfossi