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The Ohio State University Pressviewing issue
Volume 85, Number 1, January/February 2014Editorial Board
Scott L. Thomas
Editor in Chief
Claremont Graduate University
Laura Perna
Consulting Editor
University of Pennsylvania
Jenny Lee
Book Review Editor
University of Arizona
Terrell Strayhorn
Associate Editor
The Ohio State University
Cecilia Rios-Aguilar
Associate Editor
Claremont Graduate University
Paul Umbach
Associate Editor
North Carolina State University
Editorial Advisory Board
Philip Altbach
Boston College
Anthony Antonio
Stanford University
Michael Bastedo
University of Michigan
Regina Deil-Amen
University of Arizona
Karen Inkelas
University of Virginia
Christopher Morphew
University of Iowa
Anna Neumann
Columbia University
Editorial Review Board
Nick Bowman
Bowling Green State University
Ryan Evely Gildersleeve
University of Denver
Chris Golde
Stanford University
Sara Goldrick-Rab
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Kimberly Griffin
University of Maryland
Shaun Harper
University of Pennsylvania
James Hearn
University of Georgia
Joseph Hermanowicz
University of Georgia
Shouping Hu
Florida State University
Adrianna Kezar
University of Southern California
Matthew Mayhew
New York University
Sam Museus
University of Hawaii
Thomas Nelson Laird
Indiana University
Brian Pusser
University of Virginia
Gary Rhoades
University of Arizona
Peter Riley-Bahr
University of Michigan
Cecilia Rios-Aguilar
Claremont Graduate University
Vicki Rosser
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Heather Rowan-Kenyon
Boston College
Linda Sax
University of California, Los Angeles
Sheila Slaughter
University of Georgia
Daryl Smith
Claremont Graduate University
Mitchell L. Stevens
Stanford University
John Thelin
University of Kentucky