In this Issue
- Number 34, 2013
- Issue
Dictionaries: The Journal of the Dictionary Society of North America is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles on all aspects of lexicography, as well as from areas of linguistic inquiry that relate to lexicography, and from the study of reference works in general as they bear on dictionary-making. The journal’s regular special sections include “Reference Works in Progress,” which reports on current lexicographical projects, and “Teaching Dictionaries,” in which we explore the teaching and practice of lexicography in the classroom. A substantial portion of each year’s journal is devoted to reviews of recently published lexicons and lexicography websites, as well as to reviews of critical and historical studies of lexicography, and occasionally of biographies and popular literature related to dictionary-making, etymology, and similar topics.
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Dictionary Society of North Americaviewing issue
Number 34, 2013Editorial Board
Executive Board:
President, Michael Adam
Vice-President/President-Elect, Luanne von Schneidemesser
Executive Secretary, Rebecca Shapiro
Past President, Orin Hargraves
Connie Eble
Antonette DiPaolo Healey
Ammon Shea
Peter Sokolowski
Editorial Advisory Board:
Michael Adams
Janet DeCesaris
Donna Farina
Edward Finegan
William Frawley
Michael Hancher
Douglas Kibbee
Steven Kleinedler
Erin McKean
Wendalyn Nichols
Lise Winer
Editor, Dictionaries:
Elizabeth Knowles
Associate Editor:
Wendalyn Nichols
Edward Finegan
Newsletter Editor:
Katherine Isaacs
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