In this Issue
The Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics (JSCE) examines social, economic, political and cultural problems within the context of Christian social ethics. It promotes peer-reviewed scholarly work in Christian ethics and explores the relation of Christian ethics to other ethics traditions. The JSCE is edited by K. C. Choi and M. T. Davila, and the review editor is Tallessyn Z. Grenfell-Lee. It is published on behalf of the Society of Christian Ethics by the Philosophy Documentation Center.
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The Society of Christian Ethicsviewing issue
Volume 33, Number 1, Spring/Summer 2013Table of Contents
- A World for All? Global Civil Society in Political Theology and Trinitarian Theology ed. by William Storrar, Peter Casarella, and Paul Louis Metzger, and: Public Theology for a Global Society: Essays in Honor of Max L. Stackhouse ed. by Deirdre King Hainsworth and Scott Paeth (review)
- pp. 205-208
- DOI:
- Preface
- pp. vii-xi
- DOI: