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In this Issue

Table of Contents


  1. Fiction
  2. Michael Thorpe
  3. pp. 1-11
  4. restricted access
  1. Romans 1
  2. Pierre Hébert
  3. pp. 11-18
  4. restricted access
  1. Romans 2
  2. Janet M. Paterson
  3. pp. 18-24
  4. restricted access
  1. Poetry
  2. Ronald B. Hatch
  3. pp. 24-42
  4. restricted access
  1. Poésie 1
  2. Robert Yergeau
  3. pp. 42-50
  4. restricted access
  1. Poésie 2
  2. André Marquis
  3. pp. 50-58
  4. restricted access
  1. Drama
  2. Jerry Wasserman
  3. pp. 58-79
  4. restricted access
  1. Théâtre
  2. Barbara McEwen
  3. pp. 79-89
  4. restricted access
  1. Translations
  2. Sherry Simon
  3. pp. 90-101
  4. restricted access


  1. Death and Rebirth in Virgil's Arcadia by M. Owen Lee (review)
  2. Niall Rudd
  3. pp. 101-102
  4. restricted access
  1. Stories of Reading: Subjectivity and Literary Understanding by Michael Steig (review)
  2. Greig Henderson
  3. pp. 102-104
  4. restricted access
  1. Le Roman mémoriel: de l'histoire à l'écriture du hors-lieu by Régine Robin (review)
  2. Jean-Marc Lemelin
  3. pp. 105-106
  4. restricted access
  1. Kenneth Burke: Literature and Language as Symbolic Action by Greig E. Henderson (review)
  2. Richard M. Coe
  3. pp. 106-108
  4. restricted access
  1. Playing God: Medieval Mysteries on the Modern Stage by John R. Elliott (review)
  2. Clifford Davidson
  3. pp. 108-109
  4. restricted access
  1. The View from Minerva's Tower: Learning and Imagination in ‘The Anatomy of Melancholy’ by E. Patricia Vicari (review)
  2. Michael O'Connell
  3. pp. 109-111
  4. restricted access
  1. Unfolded Tales: Essays on Renaissance Romance ed. by George M. Logan and Gordon Teskey (review)
  2. A. Lynne Magnusson
  3. pp. 111-113
  4. restricted access
  1. Eclogues, Epitaphs and Sonnets by Barnabe Googe (review)
  2. Roger Kuin
  3. pp. 113-115
  4. restricted access
  1. Herbert's Prayerful Art by Terry G. Sherwood (review)
  2. Allan Pritchard
  3. pp. 115-116
  4. restricted access
  1. The Cambridge Companion to Milton ed. by Dennis Danielson (review)
  2. Derek N.C. Wood
  3. pp. 116-118
  4. restricted access
  1. Letters of Humfrey Wanley, Palaeographer, Anglo-Saxonist, Librarian, 1672–1726 ed. by P.L. Heyworth (review)
  2. James P. Carley
  3. pp. 118-120
  4. restricted access
  1. Collected Poems of Thomas Parnell ed. by Claude Rawson and F.P. Lock (review)
  2. Howard D. Weinbrot
  3. pp. 120-121
  4. restricted access
  1. Gothic Fictions: Prohibition/Transgression ed. by Kenneth W. Graham (review)
  2. David Gates
  3. pp. 121-122
  4. restricted access
  1. Wordsworth and the Enlightenment: Nature, Man, and Society in the Experimental Poetry by Alan Bewell (review)
  2. W.J.B. Owen
  3. pp. 123-125
  4. restricted access
  1. A Mind For Ever Voyaging: Wordsworth at Work Portraying Newton and Science by W.K. Thomas and Warren U. Ober (review)
  2. Alan Bewell
  3. pp. 125-126
  4. restricted access
  1. James Hogg: The Growth of a Writer by David Groves (review)
  2. Magdalene Redekop
  3. pp. 126-127
  4. restricted access
  1. Dickens and the Concept of Home by Frances Armstrong (review)
  2. Elizabeth Sabiston
  3. pp. 127-129
  4. restricted access
  1. The Early Poetic Manuscripts and Note-Books of Gerard Manley Hopkins in Facsimile ed. by Norman H. MacKenzie (review)
  2. Charles Lock
  3. pp. 129-130
  4. restricted access
  1. The Modernist Self in Twentieth-Century English Literature: A Study in Self-Fragmentation by Dennis Brown (review)
  2. Peter Stoicheff
  3. pp. 131-132
  4. restricted access
  1. Poetic Argument: Studies in Modern Poetry by Jonathan Kertzer (review)
  2. Michael Kirkham
  3. pp. 133-134
  4. restricted access
  1. The Short Narratives of E.M. Forster by Judith Scherer Herz (review)
  2. Margaret Procter
  3. pp. 134-136
  4. restricted access
  1. The World as Event: The Poetry of Charles Tomlinson by Brian John (review)
  2. Patrick Deane
  3. pp. 136-138
  4. restricted access
  1. The Life of Graham Greene by Norman Sherry (review)
  2. Brian Thomas
  3. pp. 138-139
  4. restricted access
  1. Légendier apostolique anglo-normand: édition critique, introduction et notes ed. by Delbert W. Russell (review)
  2. Brian Merrilees
  3. pp. 139-140
  4. restricted access
  1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Providence: An Interpretive Essay by Aubrey Rosenberg (review)
  2. William Hanley
  3. pp. 140-142
  4. restricted access
  1. Third Solitudes: Tradition and Discontinuity in Jewish-Canadian Literature by Michael Greenstein (review)
  2. Henry Auster
  3. pp. 146-148
  4. restricted access
  1. A Purer Taste: The Writing and Reading of Fiction in English in Nineteenth-Century Canada by Carole Gerson (review)
  2. Thomas Tausky
  3. pp. 148-150
  4. restricted access
  1. Roughing It in the Bush or Life in Canada by Susanna Moodie (review)
  2. Elizabeth Waterston
  3. pp. 150-153
  4. restricted access
  1. Dickens of the Mounted: The Astonishing Long-lost Letters of Inspector F. Dickens NWMP 1874–86 ed. by Eric Nicol (review)
  2. John M. Robson
  3. pp. 153-155
  4. restricted access
  1. Aestheticism and the Canadian Modernists by Brian Trehearne (review)
  2. David Staines
  3. pp. 155-157
  4. restricted access
  1. Northrop Frye: A Biography by John Ayre (review)
  2. Thomas Willard
  3. pp. 157-158
  4. restricted access
  1. Ernest Buckler Remembered by Claude Bissell (review)
  2. Gwendolyn Davies
  3. pp. 158-160
  4. restricted access
  1. Dance on the Earth: A Memoir by Margaret Laurence (review)
  2. Walter E. Swayze
  3. pp. 160-162
  4. restricted access
  1. Wild Gooseberries: The Selected Letters of Irving Layton ed. by Francis Mansbridge (review)
  2. Sam Solecki
  3. pp. 162-163
  4. restricted access
  1. Powers of Observation by George Woodcock (review)
  2. Graham Good
  3. pp. 163-164
  4. restricted access
  1. Reading Mavis Gallant by Janice Kulyk Keefer (review)
  2. W. J. Keith
  3. pp. 164-166
  4. restricted access
  1. The Tree of Life by Fredelle Bruser Maynard (review)
  2. Helen M. Buss
  3. pp. 166-168
  4. restricted access
  1. Controlling the Uncontrollable: The Fiction of Alice Munro by Ildiko de Papp Carrington (review)
  2. Lorraine McMullen
  3. pp. 168-169
  4. restricted access
  1. An Other I: The Fictions of Clark Blaise by Robert Lecker (review)
  2. Margery Fee
  3. pp. 170-171
  4. restricted access
  1. Le Burlesque québécois et américain. Textes inédits by Chantal Hébert (review)
  2. L.E. Doucette
  3. pp. 173-174
  4. restricted access
  1. Journal by Henriette Dessaulles, and: Le Survenant by Germaine Guèvremont (review)
  2. Pierre Hebert
  3. pp. 174-177
  4. restricted access
  1. Ringuet en mémoire 50 ans après Trente arpents by Jean-Paul Lamy et Guildo Rousseau (review)
  2. Rosanna Furgiuele
  3. pp. 177-179
  4. restricted access
  1. Gatien Lapointe, l'homme en marche by Bernard Pozier (review)
  2. Cecile Cloutier
  3. pp. 179-180
  4. restricted access
  1. Dictionnaire des canadianismes by Gaston Dulong (review)
  2. Terence Russon Wooldridge
  3. pp. 180-181
  4. restricted access
  1. Le français canadien parté hors Québec. Aperçu sociolinguistique by R. Mougeon et E. Beniak (review)
  2. Nicole Maury
  3. pp. 181-183
  4. restricted access
  1. Some Other World to Find: Quest and Negation in the Works of Herman Melville by Bruce L. Grenberg (review)
  2. William Bartley
  3. pp. 183-185
  4. restricted access
  1. Poetry, Word-Play and Word-War in Wallace Stevens by Eleanor Cook (review)
  2. Jon Kertzer
  3. pp. 185-186
  4. restricted access
  1. Dissociation and Wholeness in Patrick White's Fiction by Laurence Steven (review)
  2. J.M. Reibetanz
  3. pp. 186-189
  4. restricted access
  1. Boris Pasternak: A Literary Biography by Christopher Barnes (review)
  2. Charles Lock
  3. pp. 189-192
  4. restricted access
  1. The Cognitive Revolution in Western Culture. Volume 1: The Birth of Expectation by Don LePan (review)
  2. R.L. Kesler
  3. pp. 192-194
  4. restricted access
  1. Nietzsche and the Rhetoric of Nihilism ed. by Tom Darby, Bela Egyed, Ben Jones (review)
  2. James Crooks
  3. pp. 194-196
  4. restricted access
  1. God, Scepticism and Modernity by Kai Nielsen (review)
  2. Hendrik Hart
  3. pp. 196-197
  4. restricted access
  1. Prometheus Rebound: The Irony of Atheism by Joseph C. McLelland (review)
  2. Donald Wiebe
  3. pp. 197-199
  4. restricted access
  1. Wrapped Up in God: A Study of Several Canadian Revivals and Revivalists by George A. Rawlyk (review)
  2. Roger O'Toole
  3. pp. 199-200
  4. restricted access
  1. Margaret Mead: A Life of Controversy by Phyllis Grosskurth (review)
  2. Loretta Reinhardt
  3. pp. 200-202
  4. restricted access
  1. Class and Idol in the English Hymn by Lionel Adey (review)
  2. John Webster Grant
  3. pp. 202-203
  4. restricted access
  1. Glenn Gould: A Life and Variations by Otto Friedrich (review)
  2. Helmut Kallmann
  3. pp. 204-206
  4. restricted access
  1. Jazz in Canada: Fourteen Lives by Mark Miller (review)
  2. Jack Chambers
  3. pp. 206-207
  4. restricted access
  1. Image and Identity: Reflections on Canadian Film and Culture by R. Bruce Elder (review)
  2. Bart Testa
  3. pp. 207-210
  4. restricted access
  1. Le Cinéma québécois des années 80 ed. by Claude Chabot et al ,and:Jésus de Montréal by Denys Arcand (review)
  2. B.-Z. Shek
  3. pp. 210-215
  4. restricted access
  1. The Crowded Darkness by Douglas Fetherling (review)
  2. Anne Lancashire
  3. pp. 215-216
  4. restricted access
  1. The Gentleman Is a Tramp by Claudia Clausius (review)
  2. Barrie Hayne
  3. pp. 216-218
  4. restricted access

  1. Contributors
  2. pp. 219-221
  3. restricted access
  1. Index to Books Reviewed
  2. pp. 222-228
  3. restricted access