In this Issue
- Volume 48, Numbers 1 & 2, Spring/Summer 2013
- Issue
- Young Scholars
- Krista Corner
Published by the Western Literature Association ( in partnership with the University of Nebraska Press.
Since 1965, Western American Literature has been the leading peer-reviewed journal in the literary and cultural study of the North American West, defined broadly to include western Canada and northern Mexico. The journal constantly looks for new theoretical approaches to canonical figures as well as studies of emerging authors, filmmakers, and others who are expanding the canon of western literary and cultural production. While remaining grounded in the geography of the North American West, it continues to explore new approaches to literary and cultural studies more broadly, such as groundbreaking work in ecocriticism and scholarly support for the Hispanic Literary Heritage Recovery Project.
In a desire to further this tradition of integrating western studies into global scholarly conversations, there is special interest in publishing theoretical and critical articles in areas such as critical regionalism, global indigeneity, settler-colonialism, digital humanities, cinema and new media, global wests, and other cutting edge approaches.
published by
The Western Literature Associationviewing issue
Volume 48, Numbers 1 & 2, Spring/Summer 2013Editorial Board
Melody Graulich
Book Review Editor
Paul Crumbley
Managing Editor/Production
Sabine Barcatta
Editorial Fellows
Jaquelin Pelzer
Brett C. Sigurdson
Marie Eccles Caine Foundation Book Review Fellow
John Charles Gilmore
Editorial Board
José Aranda
SueEllen Campbell
Krista Comer
Nancy Cook
Charles Crow
Evelyn I. Funda
Dick Harrison
Alex Hunt
Sara Spurgeon
Janis Stout
Stephen Tatum
Nicolas Witschi