In this Issue
Founded in 1936 under the auspices of the Harvard-Yenching Institute, the Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies (HJAS) has without interruption pursued its mission to disseminate original, outstanding research and book reviews on the humanities in Asia, focusing at present on the areas of China, Japan, Korea, and Inner Asia. As scholarship has evolved, so has this Journal, but always while holding constant its commitment to serve authors and readers alike through the careful selection and editing of its contents.
In evaluating manuscripts, the Editor of HJAS is guided by its Editorial Board and acts on the advice of referees worldwide. The Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies is a semi-annual publication, appearing in June and December, and has institutional and individual subscribers in roughly forty countries. All back issues of HJAS are available on JSTOR with a five-year moving wall.
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Harvard-Yenching Instituteviewing issue
Volume 73, Number 1, June 2013Table of Contents
- A Place in Public: Women's Rights in Meiji Japan by Marnie S. Anderson, and: Reforming Japan: The Woman's Christian Temperance Union in the Meiji Period by Elizabeth Dorn Lublin, and: Women and Public Life in Early Meiji Japan: The Development of the Feminist Movement by Mara Patessio (review)
- pp. 194-203
- DOI: