In this Issue
Classical World publishes substantive scholarship on Greek and Roman literature, history, and society as well as the classical tradition and the history of classical scholarship. The journal also actively engages the pedagogical community by incorporating pieces on the teaching of Greek, Latin, and classical civilizations. Diverse in nature, Classical World publishes special issues, book reviews, surveys of textbooks and audio-visual materials, and bibliographies of recent research on ancient authors and topics. Classical World represents more than 100 years of peer-reviewed scholarship in Antiquity studies. Classical World is the official publication of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS).
All submissions (regular articles, as well as contributions to Paedagogus and Scholia) should be sent to the Editors at More information can be found here
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Johns Hopkins University Pressviewing issue
Volume 106, Number 2, Winter 2013Table of Contents
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Copyright © Classical Association of the Atlantic States, Inc.