In this Issue
A leading journal of Russian and Eurasian history and culture, Kritika is dedicated to internationalizing the field and making it relevant to a broad interdisciplinary audience. The journal regularly publishes forums, discussions, and special issues; it regularly translates important works by Russian and European scholars into English; and it publishes in every issue in-depth, lengthy review articles, review essays, and reviews of Russian, Eurasian, and European works that are rarely, if ever, reviewed in North American Russian studies journals.
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Slavica Publishersviewing issue
Volume 13, Number 4, Fall 2012 (New Series)Table of Contents
- A "Provincial" Forum
- pp. 859-860
- DOI:
- The Crimean War, 1853-56
- pp. 903-917
- DOI:
- Stalin's Postwar Foreign Policy
- pp. 937-949
- DOI:
- Imperial Boundaries: Cossack Communities and Empire-Building in the Age of Peter the Great, and: Donskoe kazachestvo v period ot vziatiia Azova do vystupleniia S. Razina, 1637-1667 (The Don Cossacks from the Taking of Azov to the Razin Uprising, 1637-67), and: Russkaia tserkov´ i kazachestvo v epokhu Petra I (The Russian Church and the Cossacks in the Age of Peter I) (review)
- pp. 983-992
- DOI:
- Samoderzhavnoe pravitel´stvo: Komitet ministrov v sisteme vysshego upravleniia Rossiiskoi imperii (vtoraia polovina XIX-nachalo XX veka) (Autocratic Government: The Committee of Ministers in the Russian Empire's System of Higher Administration in the Second Half of the 19th and the Early 20th Centuries) (review)
- pp. 993-1005
- DOI:
- Breaking the Ties That Bound: The Politics of Marital Strife in Late Imperial Russia, and: Prostitutsiia v Rossii s XVII veka do 1917 goda (Prostitution in Russia from the 17th Century to 1917), and: Deviant Women: Female Crime and Criminology in Revolutionary Russia, 1880-1930 (review)
- pp. 1006-1011
- DOI:
- Contributors to This Issue
- pp. 1012-1014
- DOI: