In this Issue
Studies in American Jewish Literature is dedicated to publishing work analyzing the place, representation, and circulation of Jews and Jewishness in American literatures, and to serving as a venue for theorizing, as broadly and intensely as possible, the ways in which it makes sense to talk about identity in literature. We understand this commitment to aesthetic inquiry as uncontained by any particular methodological, ideological, categorical, or national project, and we remain open to new work that seeks to interrogate the relationships between writing, reading, genres, histories, technologies, and thinking. We hope to publish special issues at least semi-regularly.
published by
Penn State University Pressviewing issue
Volume 31, Number 2, 2012Editorial Board
Daniel Walden, Pennsylvania State University
Associate Editor
Andrew Gordon, University of Florida
Assistant Editors
Alan Berger, Florida Atlantic University
Gloria Cronin, Brigham Young University
Andrew Furman, Florida Atlantic University
Book Review Editors
Bonnie Lyons, University of Texas, San Antonio
Hannah Berliner Fischthal, St. John's University
Advisory Board of Editors
Evelyn Avery, Towson University
Alan Berger, Florida Atlantic University
Sarah Blacher Cohen, SUNY, Albany *
Gloria L. Cronin, Brigham Young University
Sanford Pinsker, Franklin and Marshall College
Derek Parker Royal, Texas A&M University, Commerce
Elaine Safer, University of Delaware
Lillian Kremer, Kansas State University
Ben Siegel, Cal. State Polytechnic University
*Sarah Blacher Cohen died November 10, 2008