In this Issue
The Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA) is a semi-annual academic conference and journal that pairs rigorous research with real-time policy analysis to address the most urgent economic challenges of the day. Working drafts of the papers are presented and discussed at conferences typically held twice each year, and the final versions of the papers and comments along with summaries of the general discussions are published in the journal several months later.
published by
Brookings Institution Pressviewing issue
Fall 2011Editorial Board
David H. Romer
Justin Wolfers
Editors, Panel Advisers, and Staff for the Eighty-Eighth Conference
Sumit Agrwal Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
William C. Brainard Yale University
John C. Driscoll Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Xavier Gabaix New York University
Robert E. Hall Stanford University
David Laibson Harvard University
Willaim D. Nordhaus Yale University
George L. Perry Brookings Institution
Carmen M. Reinhart University of Maryland
Vincent R. Reinhart American Enterprise Institute
Ricardo Reis Columbia University
David H. Romer University of California, Berkeley
John C. Wiliams Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Justin Wolfers University of Pennsylvania
Michael Woodford Columbia University
Jean-Marie Callan Brookings Institution
Michael Treadway Brookings Institution
Lindsey B. Wilson Brookings Institution