In this Issue
The Journal of American Folklore is the official journal of the American Folklore Society and presents recent scholarship by AFS members and scholars in allied fields. AFS, founded in 1889, is an organization of folklorists with over l, 000 members in the US, Canada, and other countries throughout the world. The journal regularly publishes book, film, and exhibit reviews as well as articles on expressive culture and how groups make meaning through interactive activities.
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American Folklore Societyviewing issue
Volume 125, Number 496, Spring 2012Editorial Board
Thomas A. DuBois and James P. Leary
c/o CSUMC, 432 East Campus Mall
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA
Associate Editors
Christine Garlough, Janet Gilmore, John D. Niles, and Ruth Olson, University of Wisconsin; Richard March (retired) and Anne Pryor, Wisconsin Arts Board
Editorial Assistant
Hilary Virtanen
JAF Editorial Board
Robert Baron, New York State Council on the Arts
Olivia Cadaval, Smithsonian Institution
Metin Ekici, Ege University
Pauline Greenhill, University of Winnipeg
Elissa R. Henken, University of Georgia
Frank Korom, Boston University
Kristin Kuutma, University of Tartu
Jonathan Roper, University of Tartu
Tim Tangherlini, University of California Los Angeles
Book Review Editor
Gregory Hansen
Department of English and Philosophy
2203 East Aggie Road
2203 East Aggie Road
Arkansas State University
Sound Recordings Review Editor
Willie Smyth
Washington State Arts Commission
P.O. Box 42675
Olympia, Washington 98504–2675, USA
Exhibitions and Events Review Editor
Lisa Higgins
Missouri Folk Arts Program
21 Parker Hall
University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211–2330, USA
Film and Videotape Review Editor
Guha Shankar
Library of Congress
American Folklife Center
101 Independence Avenue SE
Washington, D.C. 20540–4610, USA
Journal of American Folklore is produced with the generous assistance of the following units of the University of Wisconsin–Madison: the Graduate School, the College of Letters and Science, the Folklore Program, and the Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures. The full text of JAF issues from volume 114 (2001) to the present is available online through Project MUSE (http://muse. Full text and PDF versions of JAF issues from volume 1 (1888) to five years before the present are available online through JSTOR (
Officers of the American Folklore Society
C. Kurt Dewhurst, Michigan State University
Diane Goldstein, Indiana University
Executive Board
Ray Cashman, The Ohio State University
Lisa Gabbert, Utah State University
Jason Baird Jackson, Indiana University
Sabina Magliocco, California State University Northridge
Leonard Norman Primiano, Cabrini College
Rachelle Saltzman, Iowa Arts Council
Amy Shuman, The Ohio State University
Amy Skillman, Institute for Cultural Partnerships
William Westerman, Princeton University
Marilyn White, Kean University
Executive Director
Timothy Lloyd
Mershon Center, The Ohio State University,
1501 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43201-2602, USA;
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