In this Issue
The Hispanic Review is a quarterly journal devoted to research in Hispanic literary and cultural studies. Published since 1933 by the Department of Romance Languages at the University of Pennsylvania, the journal features essays and book reviews on the diverse cultural manifestations of Spain and Latin America, from the medieval period to the present.
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University of Pennsylvania Pressviewing issue
Volume 80, Number 1, Winter 2012Submission Guidelines
Hispanic Review is a quarterly journal devoted to research in Hispanic or Luso-Brazilian literatures and cultures. The editors invite authors to contribute original research and work to the journal for consideration. If you are interested in submitting a manuscript for consideration, please note the following:
* Contributors should prepare their manuscripts following the MLA Style Manual (New York, 1998), and in such a way as to preserve the anonymity of the author's identity for the sake of the blind review process.
* Manuscripts should not exceed 9,000 words, including notes and documentation.
* Hispanic Review will consider only original manuscripts not published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
* In addition, no part of the submitted manuscript should have appeared in print in another journal or in another language.
* Hispanic Review welcomes electronic submissions (
* Submitted manuscripts will not be returned.
* Citations in Romance languages do not need to be translated into the language in which the article is written. E.g., if the article is written in Spanish but has English, French, Portuguese, Italian, etc. quotations, those quotes do not need to be translated to Spanish.
* Unsolicited book reviews are not considered for publication.
* Hispanic Review Style Guide
All editorial correspondence should be addressed to:
Hispanic Review
521 Williams Hall
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
Telephone: (215) 898-7420
Fax: (215) 898-0933
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Copyright © 2012 University of Pennsylvania Press.