+ MUSE Alert

In this Issue

Editorial Board


William Blair, The Pennsylvania State University

Associate Editors

Judith Giesberg, Villanova University, Book Review
Anthony E. Kaye, The Pennsylvania State University
Aaron Sheehan-Dean, University of North Florida

Managing Editor

Karen Fisher Younger, The Pennsylvania State University

Editorial Assistant

Andrew Pyrmak, The Pennsylvania State University

Editorial Board

Nancy Bercaw, University of Mississippi
Stephen Berry, University of Georgia
David Blight, Yale University
Peter Carmichael, West Virginia University
Gary Gallagher, University of Virginia
Thavolia Glymph, Duke University
Stephanie McCurry, University of Pennsylvania
Tiya Miles, University of Michigan
Christopher Morris, University of Texas at Arlington
Carol Reardon, The Pennsylvania State University
Seth Rockman, Brown University
Leslie Schwalm, University of Iowa


A one-year subscription (four issues) is available to individuals for $40 and institutions for $60. Members of the Society of Civil War Historians receive a subscription to The Journal of the Civil War Era as a benefit of membership. To subscribe or for information on single issues, please contact Suzi Waters at: Journals Department, The University of North Carolina Press, 116 S. Boundary Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Tel: 919-962-4201. Email: UNCPress_Journals@unc.edu

Change Of Address

Please send your old and new addresses to Suzi Waters at the above address. Allow at least six weeks for a change of address.

Editorial Submissions

Manuscript submissions and inquiries about guidelines should be sent to William Blair, Editor, The Journal of the Civil War Era, at wab120@psu.edu. Manuscripts should be no more than 11,000 words, counting notes. Queries concerning book reviews should go to Judith Giesberg at judith.giesberg@villanova.edu.