In this Issue
Narrative is the official journal of International Society for the Study of Narrative. Its mission is to publish essays that contribute to both narrative theory and the interpretation of individual narratives. Within those parameters, the journal is open to work on the elements, techniques, structures, and forms of narrative as well as on its relations to other modes of discourse, its history, and its powers (and limits) in cultures past and present. The journal is interested in narrative across disciplines and across media, and, thus, it welcomes submissions on the theory and interpretation of the novel, the short story, narrative poetry, history, biography, autobiography, memoir, film, television, journalism, comics and other graphic arts, music, performance, legal writing, medical case histories, and more.
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published by
The Ohio State University Pressviewing issue
Volume 19, Number 3, October 2011Editorial Board
James Phelan
Department of English
The Ohio State University
164 West 17th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210-1370, USA
Associate Editors
Barbara Perkins, University of Toledo
George Perkins, Eastern Michigan University
Assistant to the Editor
Lindsay A. Martin, The Ohio State University
Advisory Board
Frederick Luis Aldama, The Ohio State University
Michael Awkward, University of Pennsylvania
Janice Carlisle, Yale University
Robert L. Caserio, Pennsylvania State University
Ross Chambers, University of Michigan
Jay Clayton, Vanderbilt University
Dorrit Cohn, Harvard University
Mark Conroy, The Ohio State University
Susan Stanford Friedman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dorothy J. Hale, University of California, Berkeley
David Herman, The Ohio State University
Margaret Homans, Yale University
Audrey Jaffe, University of Toronto
Elizabeth Langland, Arizona State University
Brian McHale, The Ohio State University
Alan Nadel, University of Kentucky
Gerald Prince, University of Pennsylvania
Peter J. Rabinowitz, Hamilton College
John Richetti, University of Pennsylvania
David G. Riede, The Ohio State University
Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, Hebrew University
Daniel Schwarz, Cornell University
Robyn Warhol-Down, University of Vermont