In this Issue
The Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE) is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on economic issues pertaining to countries in the region – defined as the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and East Timor. JSEAE welcomes articles using orthodox economic approaches as well as those of a more heterodox nature. Oriented at both researchers and policy-makers, the journal seeks to reconcile the ideals of relevance, methodological rigour, and accessibility.
JSEAE is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. Each issue includes: articles based on original research; research notes; review articles; and book reviews. Once a year, the Journal publishes a Special Issue devoted entirely to a topic of import for the region.
JSEAE was published under its former title of ASEAN Economic Bulletin through Volume 29, Number 3, December 2012, (E-ISSN: 1793-2831, Print ISSN: 0217-4472).
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ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Instituteviewing issue
Volume 28, Number 2, August 2011Editorial Board
K. Kesabapany
Nick J. Freeman
Denis Hew
Sakulrat Montreevat
Rahul Sen
Book Review Editor
Lee Poh Onn
Assistant Editors
Chang Chiou Yi
Ng Boon Yian
Production Editor
Rahilah Yusuf
International Advisory Committee
Florian A. Alburo, Professor of Economics, School of Economics, University of the Philippines, Diliman
Mohamed Ariff, Executive Director, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research
Hal Hill, H. W. Arndt Professor of Southeast Asian Economics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Asia Pacific School of Economics and Management, The Australian National University
Rolf J. Langhammer, Vice-President, The Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany
Peter Petri, Dean, Graduate School of International Economics and Finance, Brandeis University, USA
Hadi Soesastro, Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia
Chalongphob Sussangkarn, President, Thailand Development Research Institute
Tan Kong Yam, Head, Department of Business Policy, Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Singapore
Shujiro Urata, Professor of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Waseda University, Japan
John Wong, Research Director, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
Woo Wing Thye, Department of Economics, University of California, Davis, USA
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