In this Issue
A leading journal of Russian and Eurasian history and culture, Kritika is dedicated to internationalizing the field and making it relevant to a broad interdisciplinary audience. The journal regularly publishes forums, discussions, and special issues; it regularly translates important works by Russian and European scholars into English; and it publishes in every issue in-depth, lengthy review articles, review essays, and reviews of Russian, Eurasian, and European works that are rarely, if ever, reviewed in North American Russian studies journals.
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Slavica Publishersviewing issue
Volume 3, Number 4, Fall 2002 (New Series)Table of Contents
- Stalin as Writer and Thinker
- pp. 699-714
- DOI:
- Islamization and Native Religion in the Golden Horde: Baba Tukles and Conversion to Islam in Historical and Epic Tradition, and: Islamic Historiography and "Bulghar" Identity among the Tatars and Bashkirs of Russia, and: L'Islam de Russie: Conscience communautaire et autonomie politique chez les Tatars de la Volga et de l'Oural depuis le XVIIIe siecle. Actes du colloque international a Qazan, 29 avril-1 juin 1996 (review)
- pp. 728-738
- DOI:
- Classroom and Empire: The Politics of Schooling Russia's Eastern Nationalities, 1860-1917, and: Maaorjuuden ja vallankumouksen puristuksessa: Inkerin ja Pietarin suomalaisten sivistys-, kulttuuri- ja itsetuntopyrkimyskia vuosina 1861-1917, and: Shkola v nemetskikh koloniiakh Povolzhia 1764-1917 gg (review)
- pp. 746-754
- DOI:
- Alexander Vucinich (1914-2002)
- pp. 755-757
- DOI:
- Errata
- p. 760
- DOI: