In this Issue
The Missouri Review, founded in 1978, has helped shape the contemporary literary scene by offering the finest work of today’s most important writers and by discovering the brightest new voices in fiction, poetry, and the essay. We are a quarterly publication based at the University of Missouri, and work first published in our magazine has been anthologized over 100 times in Best American Short Stories, Best American Essays, Best American Travel Writing, Best American Poetry, The O. Henry Prize Anthology, and The Pushcart Prize. Additionally, we publish special features on art, and interviews with a diverse body of contemporary writers. Our “History as Literature” series, we publish historical documents that have literary significance or effect, and the “Found Text” series features previously unpublished work by literary giants of the past, including Mark Twain, Tennessee Williams, Katherine Anne Porter, William Faulkner, Charlotte Bronte, Jack Kerouac, and Marianne Moore.
published by
University of Missouriviewing issue
Volume 21, Number 2, 1998Table of Contents
- Ultima Thule
- pp. 50-59
- DOI:
- The Storekeeper
- pp. 75-90
- DOI:
- Fianchetto
- pp. 139-143
- DOI:
- The End of Uncertainty
- pp. 147-149
- DOI:
- Ordinary Apples
- pp. 150-161
- DOI:
- Monastic Ruins
- pp. 162-206
- DOI:
- Clemency (review)
- pp. 212-213
- DOI:
- Mercy Road (review)
- pp. 214-215
- DOI:
- Truman Capote (review)
- pp. 215-216
- DOI:
- Orphan Factory (review)
- pp. 216-217
- DOI:
- Herb's Pajamas (review)
- pp. 217-218
- DOI:
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Copyright © The Curators of the University of Missouri.