In this Issue
Oceanic Linguistics: Current Research on Languages of the Oceanic Area is the only journal devoted exclusively to the study of the indigenous languages of the Oceanic area and parts of Southeast Asia. The thousand-odd languages within the scope of the journal are the aboriginal languages of Australia, the Papuan languages of New Guinea, and the languages of the Austronesian (or Malayo-Polynesian) family. Articles in Oceanic Linguistics cover issues of linguistic theory that pertain to languages of the area, report research on historical relations, or furnish new information about inadequately described languages.
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University of Hawai'i Pressviewing issue
Volume 49, Number 1, June 2010Editorial Board
John Lynch
Managing Editor
Byron W. Bender
Review Editor
Robert Blust
University of Hawaii
Associate Editors
Alexander Adelaar, University of Melbourne
Juliette Blevins, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
James T. Collins, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
William Davies, University of Iowa
Michael Forman, University of Hawaii
Alexandre François, LACITO–CNRS, Paris/Australian National University
Matthew Gordon, University of California, Santa Barbara
Frantisek Lichtenberk, Auckland University
Malcolm D. Ross, Australian National University
Elizabeth Zeitoun, Academia Sinica
R. David Zorc, MMcNeil Technologies Language Research Center
Editorial Advisory Board
Ernesto Constantino, Philippines
Videa De Guzman, Canada
George W. Grace, U.S.A.
Paul Jen-kuei Li, Taiwan
George B. Milner, England
Bernd Nothofer, Germany
Andrew K. Pawley, Australia
Lawrence A. Reid, U.S.A.
Suzanne Romaine, England
Albert J Schutz, U.S.A.