In this Issue
Monatshefte has been published continuously since 1899 at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. A quarterly journal devoted to German literature and culture, Monatshefte offers articles on topics from all periods of German literature and book reviews of current scholarship in German studies. The winter issue (#4) of each volume contains “Personalia,” a comprehensive listing of German studies faculty and departments in the United States and Canada, as well as a list of all PhD theses that have been defended in the preceding year.
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University of Wisconsin Pressviewing issue
Volume 102, Number 2, Summer 2010Editorial Board
General Editor
Hans Adler
Book Review Editor
Sabine Gross
Editorial Assistant
Kristopher Imbrigotta
Editorial Office
Monatshefte, University of Wisconsin, Department of German, 1220 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA. Phone: (608) 262-3008; Fax: (609) 262-7949; Email: offi Correspondence, manuscripts, and books for reviewing should be sent to this address. Website:
Editorial Board
Hans Adler
Donald Becker
Klaus L. Berghahn
Charlotte L. Brancaforte
Monika Chavez
Reinhold Grimm
Sabine Gross
Jost Hermand
Robert Howell
Charles J. James
Nancy Kaiser
Cora Lee Kluge
Mark L. Louden
B. Venkat Mani
Sabine Mödersheim
Pamela M. Potter
Joseph C. Salmons
James D. Steakley
Jolanda V. Taylor
Christopher J. Wickham
Marcus Bullock
Francis G. Gentry
Carla J. Love
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