In this Issue
- Volume 43, Number 1, Winter 2009
- Issue
- Sharing Authority: Community-University Collaboration
in Oral History, Digital Storytelling, and Engaged Scholarship
Le partage de l’autorité : Collaboration universités-communautés par le biais de l’histoire orale, des récits numérisés, et de l’érudition engagée - Guest Editors: Steven High, Lisa Ndejuru, and Kristen O’Hare
The mandate of the Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d'études canadiennes is first, to publish the best scholarship about Canadian history, culture and society, whether the researcher is junior or senior, living in Canada or abroad; and second, to serve as a vehicle for disseminating solid, original research about Canada that falls between the cracks of more narrowly defined journals.
published by
University of Toronto Pressviewing issue
Volume 43, Number 1, Winter 2009Table of Contents
- Sharing Authority with Baba
- pp. 219-238
- Sharing Authority: An Introduction
- pp. 12-34
- Contributors
- pp. 261-263
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Copyright © 2009 University of Toronto Press.